Getting Started & Signing Up

Thank you for your interest in becoming a Swishr courier partner and joining our fleet.


Download the latest version of our app from Apple App Store and Google Playstore to sign up

Follow in the in-app instructions to join. The app however, may not always prompt your for all the documents so please just provide the documents prompted in the app and the send the outstanding documents via email or our WhatsApp driver support team on 07356059149
Documents Required
Valid Passport
Bank Statement in your name for bank details verification.
Biometric Residence Permit Card Front and Back (If applicable)
Right to work check code (If applicable)
DVLA Driving Licence Check Code
Copy of your DBS certificate within the last year
Hire and Reward Insurance Certificate (Exempt for Cyclists)
We aim to activate you within 24-48 hours of receiving all documents and sometimes we may need to put you onto the waiting list if we have the right amount of couriers on road.